by Tim Jacobs | Aug 14, 2017 | Getting Started
I heard someone ask this question recently – “What might you want to do someday as a result of today?” I could answer the first part, what I want to do SOMEDAY, with a lot of big dreams and desires. Someday, I want to skydive. Someday, I want to hunt...
by Tim Jacobs | Aug 7, 2017 | Relationships
Once upon a time, we were all kids. For some of us, that may have been a little further in the past than others, but at some point, we’ve all gone through adolescence. Now, regardless if our history involves great memories or not so great, the...
by Tim Jacobs | Aug 4, 2017 | Development
If you’ve been following along, the goal of 2 books per month is well in sight to be reached and surpassed for 2017. I’ve explained before that I’ve been guilty of judging my progress against others I’ve seen with a reading plan for themselves. Going into July,...